Did you know that weight loss spice mix can help you get rid of fat, control your blood sugar, boost your metabolism, eliminate inflammation and even reduce the risk of getting cancer or heart disease?
Any time you flavor your meals with spices and herbs you supercharge your food and you do so without adding one single calorie.
Transform something bland into something extraordinary. Just add these super spices to your meals and you will get great taste and a good dose of help for your body weight loss spice mix too.
There are certain spices and herbs that contain many of the most potent antioxidants found in any type of food. Herbs and spices actually rank higher in antioxidants then fruits and vegetables do. Some spices like turmeric, cloves and cinnamon have as much as 50 times more antioxidants compared to blueberries. This is done by ORAC value on a weight to weight comparison.
Antioxidants found in spices can provide tremendous protection against serious diseases. They can help prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease, macular degeneration, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s disease. They can even help prevent premature aging.
When herbs and spices are added to any food or combination of food they add lots of flavor and a boost of nutrition. In addition to boosting the antioxidants they also boost the phytonutrients in the anti-inflammatory powers of the food.
They can also provide the following benefits:
They aid in fat burning and boosting one’s metabolism. There are several herbs and spices that are thermogenic. This means they naturally help boost metabolism because they are dense in many nutrients.
Weight loss spice mix also help regulate blood sugar. There are some spices that are particularly good at regulating blood sugar as well as controlling insulin. Some of them are even better than diabetic drugs. When your blood sugar is under control you are likely to burn fat without storing calories and gaining weight.
They act as powerful anti-inflammatories. Scientific studies have proven that spices and herbs can work better than some drugs at reducing inflammation. They do it without any negative side effects, too.
They are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal substances. There are plenty of herbs and spices that can actually kill pathogens like viruses, bacteria and fungi. They have properties that work to kill off microbes that are usually resistant to modern day medications.
If you want eating and getting lose weight faster the you should know what type of food eat daily to lose weight faster.
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