Pulse oximetry measures the oxygen level (oxygen saturation) in the blood. It is a very simple device that is used to measure how well oxygen is being sent from the heart to different parts of the body, including your legs, arms, among other parts. Every organ and system in your body needs a good supply of oxygen to survive and thrive. Without a proper amount of oxygen, cells will slowly start to malfunction and ultimately die. This can eventually lead to system and organ failure. The lungs are responsible for re-oxygenating the blood through hemoglobin proteins in the red blood cells. Pulse oximetry is a device that helps to measure how much oxygen is reaching your body parts. A pulse oximeter can be attached to your forehead, fingers, foot, toes, or nose. In this post, we are going to tell you everything that you need to know about pulse oximetry, including how to read a finger pulse oximeter.
Who Needs Pulse Oximetry?
Pulse Oximetry May be Used:
- To monitor how well lung medicines are working.
- If you are suffering from conditions such as heart failure, heart attack, asthma, pneumonia, anemia, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- During or after a procedure that uses sedation
- To check whether you need a ventilator to help with breathing.
- To check if you have a moment when breathing stops while you are asleep.
Why it is Essential to Have Your Blood Oxygen Levels Checked
If you have symptoms of shortness of breath or if you are suffering from a long term heart or lung condition, your doctor may recommend that you use a pulse oximeter. This device will help monitor your blood oxygen level and notify you if the level is low. Oxygen is the gas that enables your organs to run smoothly. If you have deficient blood oxygen levels, then vital organs in your body will not function optimally.
Most people need an oxygen saturation level of at least 95% to maintain the healthy function of cells. However, having an oxygen saturation level lower than 95% for a short period cannot cause any damage to your body organs. If oxygen saturation level falls below the optimal level, repeatedly your cell may be strained and eventually die leading to organ failure
Pulse oximetry can indicate your current oxygen saturation level, and if it falls below the recommended level, then it will show you how much oxygen you need. Sometimes your blood oxygen may fall without your knowledge. This device can help you monitor your blood oxygen carefully, thus allowing you to necessary action fast (such as using supplemental oxygen) if it falls below normal.
How Does a Pulse Oximeter Work?
Pulse oximetry comes in two options: as a small handheld device with a wire probe that is attached or applied to your finger or as a small device with a built-in clip. The small unit is portable hence ideal for home use and people who want to monitor the oxygen saturation level while on the go.
Pulse oximetry works by shining light through a transparent area of the skin. Beams of light from this device passes through the blood in your finger, toe, and nose to measure your blood oxygen. Once your blood oxygen has been read, it calculates the percentage of your blood that is carrying oxygen. Pulse oximetry also indicates the reading of your heart rate. This device does not measure your blood oxygen level directly, but instead, it uses a sophisticated algorithm to calculate the exact level.
How to Read a Finger Pulse Oximeter?
A correct reading of Pulse oximetry is crucial. If you have just purchased the Best Pulse Oximeter, then you are probably wondering how to interpret the reading on the pulse oximeter. The guideline below will help you understand what your oximeter reading means.
A normal blood oxygen level falls between 95% -100%. If the reading falls below 95%, then it means that you are becoming hypoxemia, and you should call your physician immediately. Below normal blood oxygen is referred to as hypoxemia, and it should concern you, especially if you are suffering from a chronic lung infection. Any reading below 95% is considered below normal blood oxygen level.
Your doctor will closely monitor you when your blood oxygen level falls below 95% and may take action, such as putting you on oxygen to increase the flow of oxygen or putting you on a ventilator to make sure your lungs are getting enough oxygen.
Before you start using this device, it is advised that you first consult your doctor to help you determine blood oxygen levels that are acceptable for you.
If you are suffering from conditions such as heart disease, anemia, collapsed lung, pulmonary embolism, Covid 19, or any other condition that is preventing your lungs from inhaling sufficient oxygen, then it is important to use the Most Accurate Pulse Oximeter. This device will closely monitor your blood oxygen level and notify you when it falls below the normal level.
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