A nebulizer is a medical machine used to enhance the breathing process by allowing you to inhale respiratory medications, which are in vapor form. Nebulizers are commonly known to treat respiratory diseases. Whilst it isn’t a common prescription for cough, it can be used to relieve cough. They are particularly helpful to younger age groups that cannot use handheld inhalers. How to use nebulizer for cough is one of the top concerns for many people experiencing consistent coughing.
The American Lung Association provides educational resources on how to properly use a nebulizer for treating chronic lung diseases such as COPD and asthma. You need to talk to your healthcare provider to prescribe a nebulizer for coughing. You also need to know everything about a nebulizer and how to use a nebulizer for cough.
How Nebulizers with Air Compressor Relieve Coughing
If you or a close person to you has a cough, you can consider using a nebulizer machine for cough relief. The first thing that you need to remember is that coughing has an underlying condition. Since coughing is just a symptom, you need to know the cause of your coughing. Your body only responds to coughing because of throat and lung irritants. Therefore, you should start by identifying the root cause of your coughing.
The following are some of the common short-term and long-term conditions that may trigger persistent coughing: allergies, sinusitis, asthma, smoke exposure, lung irritation, common cold, post-nasal drip, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis, lung disease, heart disease, bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and acid reflux.
Any of these conditions could be the cause of your persistent coughing. What a compressor nebulizer does is to get medication to the lungs quickly. Inhalers are not as effective as nebulizers in getting medication to the lungs, thus, the reason why nebulizers are preferred over inhaler for treating coughing.
A nebulizer can also be used for people who have difficulty using inhalers. Small children who cough can be given nebulizer treatment to ease their breathing.
Check with the doctor before using a nebulizer for cough
The doctor’s prescription or any of your healthcare providers plays an important role in administering a nebulizer treatment. This is because the proper dosage is crucial in any nebulizer treatment, more especially if you are using it to treat a coughing child.
Don’t get a nebulizer treatment before you consult with your doctor.
How Nebulizer Treatment Turns Liquid Medicine for Cough
Reduce inflammation in the lungs
The basic principality of nebulizer treatment is the reduction of inflammation in the lungs by turning liquid medicine into a fine mist for effective breathing treatment. It opens up the airways if someone has a respiratory disease like asthma. It is also beneficial to people who are experiencing COPD or have lung-related complications.
The medication, which is in form of tiny particles of vapor gets to your lungs to relieve symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing.
You should know that a nebulizer treatment doesn’t offer treatment to the underlying conditions that lead patients to coughing; it only provides relief. Therefore, proper treatment of the underlying conditions should be sought out.
If the condition has no treatment, then a physician needs to design a treatment plan that will reduce the symptoms caused by the condition.
So, a handheld nebulizer can be used to provide relief from coughing but a long-term medication plan should be considered.
Using Nebulizer for Cough Relief in Chronic Bronchitis
The first thing that you need is a nebulizer machine itself. You will also need a mask or a spacer that helps you in breathing the vapor. It is important to place the prescribed medication into your mouth through the nebulizer cup.
The liquid medication is also important for cough relief. Medications for nebulizers often come in convenient, pre-measured unit dose vials. Some of the options that you have include albuterol, formoterol, ipratropium, budesonide, and hypertonic saline. These medications are responsible for giving you relief from coughing while the handheld nebulizer ensures that they deliver medicine directly to the lungs.
The liquid medicine is transformed into air dry a mist by the nebulizer, making it easier for inhalation. You can use nebulizers for short-term relief for respiratory cases related to the cold, which leads to coughing.
Some people also use them for preventative measures since they help in reducing inflammation in the lungs.
Medicated vapors are also great in breaking mucus for people with a respiratory flare-up.
You will know you need to use a nebulizer for cough if you have symptoms such as trouble breathing and wheezing. These are signs of a respiratory flare-up, which can be treated using a nebulizer.
If you have never used a nebulizer before, you will need to visit your healthcare provider who will offer you a nebulizer machine and required medication used alongside the machine. If you have a nebulizer, you will need to contact your healthcare provider to give you instructions on how to use the machine for cough.
How to use a nebulizer?
It is a simple device that anyone can use. Once you have the right medication in the nebulizer, you just need to turn it on. Afterward, you will see vapor emerging from the spacer or mask. If the vapor doesn’t come out, it means that you have not placed exact dose of the medication correctly in the nebulizer. You should double-check to ensure everything is in order.
When the vapor comes out, you just need to breathe in several deep breaths and out continuously for about 10-20 minutes until the machine stops creating the vapor. If you are using it for coughing, you might need to use the nebulizer multiple times a day. You can limit it to 4 times a day, not unless your doctor has allowed you to use it more than that. Taking a deep breath can help you relax and manage any anxiety about using the nebulizer.
Precautions to be Aware of When Using Nebulizer for Cough
Nebulizers are safe when used as directed by a medical practitioner. You shouldn’t experience any problems using it to avert coughing problems. However, you need to take note of the following:
Avoid sharing
One of the things that you should avoid is sharing the nebulizers. Even if your close relative is experiencing the same cough issues as you, sharing should not be allowed. Everyone needs to visit a doctor to get the right prescription.
Keep them clean
Nebulizers can be very dangerous if you don’t keep them clean. Since it emits vapor, it needs to be cleaned every time it is used to avoid infections. Additionally, regularly cleaning or replacing the tubing and air filter is crucial as part of the maintenance routine to ensure proper functionality of the nebulizer.
You can know how to use a nebulizer for cough if you follow the instructions given by your healthcare provider. You should always clean the machine after use to avoid getting it to be more harmful to your health.
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