A hearing aid improves our hearing ability and lets us enjoy sound better. So, it brings joy to those who are short in hearing.
However, like mechanical and electrical devices, hearing aid shows various problems. The sound may be less loud than you expect. At times, the hearing aid is dead and needs replacement.
These problems with a hearing aid are common and irritating. Luckily, you may fix them at home with our DIY guidelines. Here, we will show you how to fix hearing aids with a few steps and tools. It will help maintain the hearing device without any expensive repair.
So, let’s dive deep into this hearing device’s common problems and their troubleshooting. We rest assured that you will appreciate the quick solutions.
How to Fix Hearing Aid
As people get old, their hearing capacity shrinks slowly. Also, people may suffer from hearing problems for different diseases and unavoidable reasons. Plus, some people may be born deaf.
A hearing aid will be brilliant for all of them.
Nonetheless, a problematic hearing aid can be indeed frustrating and painful. So, you must know the main problems of hearing aid and ways to fix them.
Problem 1: Hearing aid not working properly
Sometimes the hearing assist device may not start or function properly. As it happens, you start the device and find no sound. Then, you keep trying to hear the audio, and still, it feels deaf. It is highly alarming and frustrating.
Usually, the hearing aid won’t start or stop working for a dying battery. The battery of the device has a definite lifespan. As it gets older, the device will not work correctly. You will, therefore, hear reduced audio from it. Also, the hearing device may not start at all if the battery dies entirely.
Next, the switch to start the device may malfunction. It can be either broken or have damaged wiring.
You must check the switch and its wires carefully to find the problem. Finally, dust, ear wax, and residue may clog the system. It urges that you clean the device timely.
Check and replace the battery:
Whenever you see the hearing aid not working, check the battery immediately. If it has drained out, recharge the battery. If you have a replaceable battery and it has an expired lifespan, replace it. Also, the following things may happen:
- The battery may have an inaccurate connection. So, you must remove the battery and reinstall it. When you have installed it properly, it should start working appropriately. If you need clarification, check the user manual for the hearing device. It should assist you in installing the battery correctly. Alternatively, you can seek help from an audiologist to allow him to install the battery correctly.
- Check the battery for loose connection. If it doesn’t connect with the power-up point, ensure it connects appropriately. Also, carefully inspect the wires that connect the battery. If there’s any loose wiring, fix it.
- Finally, the battery door of the battery can be a little ajar. It will block the power from flowing from the battery to the hearing points. So, ensure that you have closed the battery door properly. It will keep the battery in its proper place.
Check the volume button:
Often people will need to correct the volume of their hearing aid. So, when you don’t receive enough audio through the hearing device, check the volume button immediately. It will help you know what’s causing the problem. Also, it is a common problem for even the best hearing aids.
If you accidentally turn the volume to a low level, increase it. There will be many volume levels in your hearing aid. You need to increase the volume level gradually. So, it helps you quickly find the right audio level for your ears. This is the main problem of newer hearing aids. Once you start using it, you must adjust the volume.
Henceforth, you must adjust the volume button until you find the right sound. Then, ensure the volume button remains at its fixed position.
Check and fix the power switch:
Like all home appliances, your hearing aid also has a power switch. At times, it may malfunction due to loose wiring or damage. So, check the power switch and its connections. If there’s any loose wiring, fix it.
Sometimes, the switch may be broken. You need to contact an audio device shop to replace the switch. You should keep your hearing aid carefully so it doesn’t fall off the ground. It is especially true if you have kids and pets at home. It will save the hearing aid and its switch from unwanted damage.
Clean the residue:
When you wear the hearing aid for an extended period, residues and ear wax can get inside it. It will clog the receiver and microphone. As a result, you will see less frequency of the sound. Thus, you must clean the receiver, microphone, and adjacent parts.
Often, the hearing device will include a cleaning lubricant and tool. If your device hasn’t got one, you can buy it from any hearing aid store. Alternatively, you can take your hearing device to a shop and get it cleaned. It will cost at most $5 to $10. It is cheaper because you will only need to clean the device annually.
Problem 2: Inappropriate sound quality
The hearing aid is responsible for maintaining sound quality. So, it easily frustrates people when it fails to control the audio output and its quality. Also, the uncomfortable sound will further increase the hearing problem.
The reduced sound quality and uncomfortable sound may appear for multiple reasons. It includes:
- Corroded battery
- Inappropriate controls
- Changed hearing
So, let’s see the solution to these problems with hearing aid.
Fix the corroded battery:
Often moisture will build inside the battery housing. Then, it will corrode the battery and its connection. It would help if you used a dehumidifier to control the moisture. As you keep the battery and its housing open for hours in front of the dehumidifier, it should stop further corrosion.
If the corrosion is too much, you need to replace the battery. Alternatively, try fixing the battery housing from a store.
Adjust the controls:
Next, you must check the volume button, microphone, and receiver. Lint and different residues may block the microphone and also affect the volume. You need to adjust the volume to see if it fixes the problem. Or, remove the lint and residue to allow the microphone and receiver to work correctly.
Check your hearing:
This problem isn’t associated with the hearing device but with your hearing. Yes, your hearing level may change; it can increase or decrease in level. Henceforth, you must consult with an audiologist. He will check your hearing capacity and suggest a suitable device for it.
Problem 3: The device doesn’t fit properly
This problem of inappropriately fitting hearing aid often occurs with newer devices. As you wear it in your ear, it may not fit properly. You may find it discomforting. Also, often you will find the hearing device either too tight or slightly loose. In most cases, this is a problem associated with your mind as you think it doesn’t fit appropriately.
If the problem is genuine, you can experience one or all of the following signs. It includes:
- The hearing aid will frequently slip off your ear. It will either feel uncomfortable or slip from its place.
- Your ear will feel pain. It happens when the hearing aid is too tight. So, it will try to fit into the ear and cause severe pain.
- When you wear an ill-fitted hearing aid continuously, it will cause headaches. Also, people will experience “plucked ear” and, consequently, stuffiness in their ears.
Adjust the hearing aid:
The key is to curve or add weight with the hearing aid. If it feels too tight, you can use a cutting tool to reduce the hearing aid size. Nonetheless, it could damage the device. So, visit a hearing aid store and check for possible solutions. They will remove a little weight from the device to help it fit your ear correctly.
Problem 4: Squealing or whistling sounds
Sometimes, you may experience uncomfortable noises from the hearing aid. It may be a whistling or squealing sound. As it continues, it will lower your hearing level. Thankfully, you may fix it quickly following our suggestions.
Adjust the volume:
It would help if you tried leveling up or down the volume. Often, the inappropriate volume level will cause a whistling or squealing sound. Thus, gradually adjust the volume button until the uncomfortable noise stops.
A hearing aid is an excellent investment for people with reduced hearing ability. It lets the patient hear the slightest noise. Plus, people in different professions, including armies, sound engineers, etc., will need a hearing aid.
Unfortunately, the hearing aid will often experience a few problems. Mainly, its battery gets old and has a loose connection. Plus, there can be lint and residue development inside the microphone and receiver of the hearing aid. You should clean it timely to avoid the consequence. Also, find the right fitting of the device for comfort.