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How To Exercise With A Broken Ankle – 8 Upper Body Workouts

how to exercise with a broken ankleWith a broken ankle, you must avoid weight-bearing workouts like biking, dancing, running, climbing stairs, or jogging. This is because the exercises could increase your recovery time.

So then, how to exercise with a broken ankle? Concentrating on upper-body workouts is the best exercise with a fractured ankle. You can do these exercises while seated or lying down to avoid straining the ankle joints.

For example, you can do seated bench presses, seated bicep curls, shoulder presses, or traditional crunches. But how do you perform these workouts? Below is a step-by-step guide on how to exercise with a broken ankle.

Different Ways To Exercise With A Broken Ankle Table

Let’s look at the various exercises to do when you have a fractured ankle and the equipment you need.

No. Type of Exercise Equipment Needed Best for Strengthening
1 Seated Bench Presses Chest press machine Pectoral muscles, biceps, triceps, and deltoids
2 Pull Ups Pull-up bar Shoulder, back, and arm muscles
3 Shoulder Presses Shoulder press machine and dumbbells Triceps, shoulders, and traps
4 Lat Pull Downs Pull down machine Shoulder girdle, arm, forearm, and upper back muscles
5 Seated Bicep Curls Weight bench and dumbbells Bicep muscles
6 Traditional Crunches Workout mat Abdominal muscles
7 Cycling a Stationary Bike Exercise bike Hamstrings, calves, glutes, and quadriceps
8 Swimming Swimming pool Shoulders, hamstrings, abs, glutes, forearms, and back

How To Exercise With A Broken Ankle?

Working out your upper body more intensely is the best exercise with a broken ankle. And, of course, you should do this in a lying or seated position.

So, here are some of the exercises you can do without hurting or straining your fractured ankle.

1. Seated Bench Press

Also referred to as chest press, this workout is designed to exercise the pectoral muscles, biceps, deltoids, and triceps. Here is how to do it:

Step 1: Adjust the Chest Press Machine

Step 2: Start Working Out

Step 3: Return to the Starting Position

2. Pull Ups

This exercise can help improve and strengthen your back, shoulder, and arm muscles. Here is how to do the workouts using a pull-up bar.

Step 1: Position Yourself on the Pull-up Bar

Step 2: Pull Yourself Up

Step 3: Lower Yourself

3. Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press

Also referred to as shoulder press, this workout targets your traps, triceps, and shoulders. Following are instructions on how to do it.

Step 1: Sit on a Bench

Sit on a shoulder press machine bench with your back lying flat against the backrest. Your feet should be directly under your knees. And for added support and reduced pain, you could put on the best ankle braces.

Step 2: Get the Dumbbells

Step 3: Raise the Dumbbells

4. Lat Pull Downs

These are upper body movements designed to strengthen and activate the arm, forearm, shoulder girdle, and upper back muscles. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to perform them.

Step 1: Position Yourself

Step 2: Pull Down the Lat Bar

Step 3: Return to the Starting Position

Slowly straighten your arms to return the Lat bar just above your head to the starting position. Continue with the workout for 8-12 reps.

5. Seated Bicep Curls

Also called seated arm curls, this exercise helps strengthen the bicep brachii muscle without hurting your fractured ankles. Following are instructions on how to do the workout.

Step 1: Sit on a Chair or Weight Bench

Step 2: Lift the Dumbbells

6. Traditional Crunches

These basic crunches are meant to work out your abdominal muscles, and here is how to do them.

Step 1: Lie Flat

Step 2: Lift the Upper Body

7. Cycling a Stationary Bike

Riding a stationary bike instead of an elliptical training machine is also a good workout if your fractured ankle is in a splint or cast. This exercise may minimize your pain level and increase muscle strength, joint support, and flexibility.

8. Swimming

Swimming is not a weight-bearing activity like walking and dancing. Therefore, you could swim recreationally using your arms only and, over time, work the legs in when comfortable. After all, you can swim while wearing a waterproof boot or cast.

Do Broken Ankles Ever Heal Fully?

Yes, but this depends on your age and the severity of the fracture. Basically, low-to-medium-grade fractures that don’t need surgery can take 12 to 16 weeks to heal fully. But even after healing, you must wear ankle braces to prevent further injury.

On the other hand, severe ankle fractures requiring surgery may take up to two years to recover fully. This is because, during the surgery, the doctors may install screws, wires, or metal plates to stabilize the ankle bones. But eventually, the ankles usually heal entirely.


Now, let’s check out some commonly asked questions about how to exercise with a broken ankle.

Q: Can you go to the gym with a broken ankle?

Yes, you can. However, you must limit the workouts to the upper body in a lying or seated position. For other exercises, you must wait to be cleared by your doctor. Typically, weight-bearing workouts are allowed at 4 to 6 weeks after your ankle injury.

Q: Is walking a good way to exercise with a fractured ankle?

No. It would help if you stayed off the broken ankle for proper and quick healing. This is because walking on a fractured ankle can worsen the injury since it is weight-bearing.


Knowing how to exercise with a broken ankle is critical in ensuring you stay fit during recovery. The best exercises are those that don’t strain your ankle, such as pull-ups and seated bench presses. You could also do seated bicep curls, Lat pull downs, or traditional crunches.

Cycling a stationary bike or swimming are other excellent ways to exercise with a fractured ankle. After all, these exercises are not weight-bearing. That said, depending on the severity of the injury, your ankle may take months or years to heal fully.

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