How it’s benefit of drinking coffee everyday. Coffee is a double edge sword and I originally wanted to show the dangers of drinking coffee. You can find this article 7 dangers of drinking coffee here. I thought it would only be fair to also list some of the benefits of drinking coffee so you could way out the pros and cons. I personally love coffee though I can’t drink it anymore because of its caffeine levels. Ever since I develop panic disorder, I am unable to drink anything with caffeine in it.
But enough about me! Let’s get back on track about the benefits of drinking coffee. As a final side note, these benefits are best done by drinking black coffee. By loading your coffee full of cream and sugar, you are putting unnecessary calories, sugar, and fat into your body.
Benefits Of Drinking Coffee Everyday For Your Skin
Coffee is a good source of certain antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. These properties can help reduce swelling and inflammation which is very beneficial for people that have puffy looking eyes. Many face cream products contain coffee in them as they are able to minimize the appearance of wrinkles and also exfoliates the skin.
If you plan on drinking coffee, make sure you don’t load up full of cream and sugar. These products can actually increase inflammation and make you more prone to problems such as acne and eczema.
Can Make You a Better Student
Coffee could have the potential to make your benefit of drinking coffee everyday. And better student and increase your intelligence. I’m not just talking about the stimulant effects of caffeine to help you study. Caffeine is one of the most commonly used substances around the world. It is a stimulant that can help you stay up and study, but coffee goes one more step further than this.
Adenosine is a neurotransmitter in the brain that is blocked by caffeine’s primary mechanism. By blocking adenosine, the neurons in the brain actually increases their firing rates. This also releases other neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine.
Caffeine’s effects have been proven to increase mood, increase reaction time, improve intelligence and memory retention, as well as general cognitive improvement.
Reduce Risk of Certain Cancers
Coffee’s ongoing studies are showing that coffee could ward off many types of cancers such as prostate, colon, mouth, as well as basal cell carcinoma (which is a very common type of skin cancer). The study showed a reduction in risk by up to 20%. Decaffeinated coffee did not seem to have the same benefits as its regular counterparts.
Help Strengthen Muscles
Caffeine is contained in many different pre-workout supplements, and for good reason. Caffeine has a stimulant effect on the central nervous system, this both raises your metabolism as well as increases your fat burn rate. Since caffeine also raises your energy level, it will likely improve your athletic performance in the gym. Studies of shown the caffeine can increase your performance by up to 12% on average.
Obviously, the better you perform the gym, the more muscle gain you will receive in the stronger your muscles will become.
Lower Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes
Type II diabetes is one of the most common preventable diseases in our society. This type of diabetes is completely controlled through people’s diets and lifestyle habits. This epidemic has increased 1000% in the last 20 years and now affects over 300 million people.
Type II diabetes is categorized by your body’s inability to produce insulin or your body’s resistance to insulin has increased. Insulin is used by the body to help control high blood glucose levels. Without it, you can go onto diabetic shock, go into a coma, or even die.
Drinking coffee on a regular basis has been shown to reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes by up to 67%.
The more coffee you drink, as long as it’s black, the least likely you are to become diabetic.
Lower Risk of Death
A general study was done between drinking coffee and risk of death by all causes. People that drank at least 2 cups of coffee a day had a reduced risk of death by up to 30%.
Decrease Risk of Developing Parkinson’s Disease
Drinking at least 2 cups of coffee a day has been shown to reduce the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. For people that have Parkinson’s disease, coffee may help improve their ability to control their movements. Unfortunately, coffee doesn’t seem to have an effect on the sleepiness symptom many Parkinson’s sufferers deal with.
Final Thoughts
There are pros and cons to drinking coffee on a regular basis. My advice is that if you’re going to drink coffee, make sure you’re drinking it straight (black). Adding cream and sugar is going to increase your fat intake, sugar intake, as well as increase the risk of developing problems such as diabetes. I personally had a teacher in high school that drank roughly 14 cups of coffee a day. He’d also put three hits of cream and 3 tablespoons of sugar in each one. This is clearly an unhealthy way of drinking your coffee. Don’t be like him, drink it black!
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