One of the most frequently recommended treatments for obstructive sleep apnea or OSA is a sleep apnea device CPAP. or continuous positive airway pressure treatment that uses a small machine to help people breathe more easily while sleeping. A sleep apnea CPAP machine helps maintain positive air pressure in the throat to prevent the muscles and tissues around it from collapsing while sleeping. A sleep apnea CPAP machine is composed of the following components: a mask that covers your nose and mouth that is connected to a small machine via an air hose that delivers the necessary air pressure. A person with OSA needs to use the sleep apnea machine every time they go to sleep. Here are a few things you need to know about sleep apnea device CPAP.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea is the sleeping disorder characterized by abnormal pauses or stoppages of breathing during sleep. Since breathing is obstructed and the amount of oxygen delivered to the brain and heart is reduced, this disease could be fatal if the proper attention and treatment is not given. Although everyone that snores doesn’t have OSA, the most prominent and easily recognized symptom of this disease is snoring and it is more common in middle-age and older people. There are various treatments for OSA depending on the severity of the condition. Treatment ranges from invasive procedures such as surgery to remove excess tissue in the throat and airways or to realign the jaw to less invasive procedures such as medications and lifestyle changes such as weight loss.
There are several things to consider when using a sleep apnea device CPAP. machine. First of all, ensure the sleep apnea CPAP machine has a US Food and Drug Administration registration and approval. By having these, you can be sure that the CPAP machine is of good quality. Also before purchasing any of these machines, always make sure that it fits your needs as a patient as well as your budget. You might want to opt for renting a sleep apnea CPAP machine before actually buying one to make sure you are comfortable using it.
Sleep Apnea CPAP Machine Features
There are many features that should be considered when buying or renting a sleep apnea CPAP machine. Features such as its size and whether it can run on battery or AC electricity are important in determining which sleep apnea CPAP machine to buy. Do you want or need a unit that allows for humidification of the air? Over the course of a night, all the air you breathe will be delivered through the sleep apnea CPAP machine so it’s also important to consider the quality of the air filtration that will be used within the machine and the ease of cleaning or replacing those filters. Some sleep apnea CPAP machines even have therapy tracking software so your progress can be measured and analyzed.
Getting used to a CPAP machine is not always easy, since it may require certain adjustments such as a change from your normal sleeping position to become comfortable while using it. To help in the adjustment, there are certain pillows that can be used to aid in the use of CPAP. There are a lot of different types of pillows for sleep apnea but all of them have one common characteristic as a stop snoring device. They help to prevent or reduce snoring by encouraging the user lie on his/her side rather than on their back while sleeping. By lying on their sides, patients can help reduce the chances that obstructions will occur in their airways while they sleep.
Before trying any of the therapies or medications mentioned above, it is best to consult first with your doctor and undergo a sleep study or Polysomnography. This test will provide an in-depth analysis of your sleeping disorder and give your medical provider the information he/she needs to prescribe the proper sleep apnea treatment. If the test reveals you have OSA, a obstructive sleep apnea CPAP machine is the most commonly recommended treatment.