Quit smoking skin improvement timeline. For each cigarette smoked, 11 minutes are cut from the smoker’s life. Deadened taste buds, breathing problems, heart disease and cancer are all effects from long-term smoking. The health benefits to quitting smoking are numerous, but sometimes, they aren’t enough to prompt smokers to put down their cigarettes.
We’ve all seen the commercials featuring smokers who put off quitting until it was too late. Truth be told, they don’t look so hot. Most are covered in wrinkles and look older than their real age. Many have lost limbs due to disease, and some have been forced to wear breathing gadgets to compensate for breath stolen by cigarette smoking.
Quit smoking skin improvement timeline. If the physical health risks of smoking still don’t prompt a smoker to quit, perhaps the threat of losing their youthful appearance and good looks will. The following is a list of beauty dangers associated with smoking. While some of these smoking features are irreversible, others can disappear altogether, or at the very least fade, within days and weeks of ditching the butt.
- Sallow complexion: Smoking robs the skin of needed hydration, robbing natural glow from smokers. After years of smoking, skin looks dull and lifeless. This is one of those factors that can reverse after quitting.
- Black eyes: Only raccoons are supposed to have dark circles around their eyes. While this tired-looking feature is also associated with age, smoking is pretty high up on the list of causes. Dehydration and the breakdown of collagen associated with cigarette smoking are the culprits.
- Wrinkle in time: After a decade of puffing, smoking cigarettes begins to speed up the aging process via narrowing blood vessels and tissue damage. The physical act of pursing lips around the cigarette starts to form little lines around the mouth. Squinting to avoid getting smoke in the eyes results in crow’s feet.
- Beauty sleep: Those who have quit smoking report getting a better night’s sleep. It’s a proven fact that eight good solid hours of sleep does wonders for an individual’s looks and glow. Give skin the rest it needs by cutting out the nicotine that provides cravings so strong it interrupts sleep patterns.
- Unattractive flakiness: If a smoker puffs on more than 20 cigarettes a day, their risk to develop psoriasis is greater than average. Psoriasis is red and white hues of scaly patches that pop up on the top layer of the skin.
- Yellow teeth: We’re not talking about the trendy gold caps here. As cigarette smoke passes through the mouth, the tobacco leaves a yellowish stain on teeth. Whitening agents are pointless for smokers, as just one inhale leaves a stain.
- Gum damage: Along with the yellowing, smoking brings about greater risk for oral cancer and gum disease. This, combined with stinky breath from smoking, ruins kissable appeal for men and women smokers.
- Golden fingers: The color yellow seems to be all the rage with smokers, and not in a fashionable way. Along with teeth, cigarette smoking also stains finger tips from holding the cigarette between digits.
- Holy wardrobe: Nothing ruins an outfit more than a burn hole. Virtually every material can be damaged by a falling ember.
As you can see, there are quite a few reasons you should think about Quit smoking skin improvement timeline. If you have other reasons to stop smoking, leave a comment below. If you properly maintain self-care then it’s not very difficult to leave smoking. We love to hear ideas and opinions from our readers