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How To Train Like An Olympic Athlete?

how to train like an Olympic athlete

If you’re feeling inspired by recent events in Tokyo, then you’re certainly not alone. Tom Daley’s long overdue gold in the diving has had us all jumping for joy, while Adam Peaty, Duncan Scott and co. have likely encouraged many to try out their water wings once again.

Heroic performances like those we’ve seen on TV in the past few days are often the springboard to inspire the next generation of superstars. For most of us average Joes out there, they can be just as inspirational in our personal fitness journeys.

Indeed, if you are feeling motivated to up your fitness standards in light of Team GB’s feats, there are a few lessons to learn from our Olympians which you can carry into your own regime.

Set Out Your Goals

While you might not be aiming for a spot on the podium at the next Olympics, you’ll still have your own fitness goals. Establishing targets for yourself is a hugely important element of any fitness journey. Setting out what you want to achieve and by when will keep you on track, motivated and give you a sense of purpose – all of which will help when you’re digging deep on a run or in the gym.

Plan Your Diet

They say abs are made in the kitchen, and it’s true – you can do all the exercise you want, but if you really want to see the fruits of your labour aesthetically, you’ll need to commit to good nutrition as well.

A good diet goes well beyond fat burning or calorie intake. Solid nutrition is essential for recovery and fuelling your exercise correctly. The same goes for your rest, so make sure you’re getting a good night’s sleep, too.

Equip Yourself

Look the part, act the part. You’re welcome to train in old clothes you used to wear out on the town, but there’s also nothing wrong with getting yourself some nice new gear so that you look forward to pulling it on before a workout.

If you’re working out at home, you might want to invest in some more serious equipment, like home gym items or similar. If you think spending a bit of money on better clothing and exercise equipment might help you work out more often and more intensely, then it’s important to assess your finances properly before spending.

Track Your Training

If you’ve set yourself clear goals, you also need to be tracking your progress. Just as having targets will help motivate you to keep going, so will tracking your progress and seeing tangible improvements week in, week out.

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If you track where you are up to after every session, you’ll not only get to see how far you’ve come, but also identify areas where you could make further improvements.

Get the Right Coaching

Olympians benefit from expert advice, so why can’t you? Whether it’s a personal trainer in the gym or joining a running club, learning from coaches who know their trade inside out will help you to progress much more efficiently and quickly.

If you don’t believe us, try a gym session with a PT and a session without, and see how you feel coming out of each.

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The chances are you’ll feel like you’ve worked much harder with the PT, as they’ll push you to do your best and give you exercises that are best suited to you individually.

You don’t need to be an Olympian to train like one. With the tips above, you can take an elite-level attitude into your own fitness regime.


The most amazing thing you can do is to practice for the Olympics like it is happening actually. It does not matter how good you are at a certain skill. If you do not practice, the skill will eventually die down in essence. The most important part of training like the Olympics is to trust in your ability and then practice your skills.

Feel like you are in the tournament. You should have the understanding to know that you have practiced enough to be here. With the constant practice you can definitely win and that should be your ultimate goal to train like in the Olympics.

Stay Away from Unnecessary Distractions

Some things in life deserve our utmost attention and training like you are in the Olympics is one of those things. If you are lucky enough to feel like you are in the Olympics make sure you do not mess up with the feeling by unnecessarily indulging with the wrong directions.

We understand that the need for relationships are important but once the future is involved then your whole attention should be there. If you are training like you are in the Olympics then make sure that you stay away from unnecessary girlfriends or boyfriends. The fewer distractions there are the more chances for you to win.


Life does not give an opportunity every single day and having an athletic opportunity is a treat in itself. If you want to beat your rival It is important to train like you are in the Olympics. Make sure you follow the above mentioned strategies so you can win any game there is for you to win.

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