As much as old people like to avoid it falling is very much a concern when a person is beyond 55 years old. Falling is very common for those even aged over 65 and can often cause serious, life-threatening injuries. In the old age the bones are more suspectable to injuries and once an older person falls it can almost cause that person his or her life.
But even when it doesn’t, it can have a profound impact on the person’s wellbeing. The fear of collapsing again often makes them withdraw. Their loss of confidence can lead to living a life where they don’t leave the home and they’re no longer independent. Luckily, there are things we can do to keep older people on their feet, but first it’s vital we establish why people fall in the first place…
What Causes Elderly People to Fall?
There are several common causes. These include impaired vision, where eyesight deteriorates to the point where they can’t see the likes of steps or other obstacles.
A decline in general fitness is another major cause – if the person doesn’t exercise enough, their muscles and bones might weaken to the point where they can no longer support them.
Chronic diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, can come on gradually without they or their loved ones noticing, and a fall might be what alerts everyone to the problem.
An older person who’s stubborn, not wishing to change the way they do things, is at increased risk. Everyday tasks, such as hoovering, sorting the washing and cooking can be arduous for an older person, but those who want to keep their independence might understandably wish to keep going, regardless of how risky each job is becoming.
Another common cause of falling is the home itself and the hazards within it – these can be anything from poor lighting to loose carpets, clutter and slippery floors.
How to Prevent Them?
Regular exercise not only keeps your muscles and bones stronger, but will also help with the likes of balance. If you feel medication is making you feel dizzy or faint, then go and see your GP, as they might suggest a better option.
Get regular eye tests – these will let you know how serious this issue is becoming so you can adapt accordingly. The aim is to stay independent for as long as possible, so if you can make changes that help negate your visual impairment, then these will help keep you at home.
Your house itself might need to be adapted to suit the new you. This might involve non-slip floors, handrails, improving the lighting, removing rugs and replacing steps with ramps. Likewise, you might have to adapt too. Getting help with the more physical jobs, taking it steadier when you’re on the move, and purchasing non-slip footwear with grips on the soles are just some of the ways you can make yourself safer.
A simple fall in the home can often be the start of something much more serious and traumatic for an older person. Prevention is better than cure, so if you start taking precautions now, it could allow for years more enjoyment and independence.
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Exercise more often – People are having this assumption that it is not suitable for older people to involve themselves in exercises. This assumption is entirely wrong. When a person does not exercise, he or she has more to lose. Even if you are 60 or 65 years old it is important for you to have a healthy exercise routine.
The best time to do any kind of exercise is the morning time. Older people should involve themselves in healthy exercises including yoga. This will help them to maintain healthy concentration of bones which will prevent the accidents from falling.
Yoga can also be good for maintaining a nice emotional level which will in turn help the older people to cope with daily life stressors.
Settle at suitable places – We can take all kind of precautions but if we won’t change our life style, it could be tricky for us to prevent ourselves from falling in older age.
For instance if you are about 65 and still living in the second story then you are risking your health and bones. It is always a good idea for older people to make sure that they are living at the ground story. Make sure you settle yourself at the ground level If you are above 65.
Falling is very much an issue in the old age but it can be prevented. Only if you follow what we have discussed above, you won’t be at the risk of falling. The secret lies in changing your lifestyle so it can do you good.
We wish you a happy old age 🙂