The good news is that whatever body type you may have inherited, you can still pack on pounds of attractive muscles. Of course you must understand the science of bodybuilding if you want to build muscles effectively.
Before we go any addition, let us take a check at the various body types to have an idea of how quickly you can you build your body to become more muscular.
What is Your Body Type
In general terms, there are basically three distinctive body types although most people are a cross between them.
The Ectomorph – Ectomorphs are people who are thin, fragile and even lanky at times. They are called the hardgainers in the bodybuilding industry.
Some people consider them as blessed because it is rather difficult for ectomorphs to put on weight while many ectomorphs themselves are unhappy in their situation because of precisely the same reason.
However, with the right nutrition and proper training, ectomorphs can and do put on muscle weight. In fact, one very great advantage ectomorphs have over others on bodybuilding is that because of their low body fat, they will have very attractive visible defined muscles once they built them. This is because they do not have body fat to cover their nice muscularly toned body.
For more information on how naturally thin and skinny people can put on weight and build handsome muscle mass, click How to Gain Muscle Weight Fast.
The Mesomorph – If you are a mesomorph, you are genetically blessed with an athletic body shape and ability. You will generally perform well in whatever sports you choose to participate in.
How to gain weight and build muscle. In bodybuilding, you are able to build muscle mass faster than other body types and can even become a competitive bodybuilder or a fitness model if you choose to be. Of course, with the correct training methods and nutrition, your results will come even faster. For some of you, your result will be so fast that you can visibly see your body grow week after week.
The Endomorph – The endomorph generally has a round physique that tends to put on weight and fat easily. Their physiques present the illusion that much of the body fat is accumulated in abdominal area which may or may not be true.
Many endomorphs mistakenly believe that in order to get rid of their abdominal fat, they have to do plenty of abdominal exercises like crunches and sit-ups. To my endomorph friends, these exercises do not get rid of your belly fat. You have to do weight bearing compound exercises and adhere to a proper diet to build your muscles and lose your fat so that your muscles can show up fabulously.
As a matter of fact, the more muscles you built up, the more fat you can burn because muscle mass raise your metabolism to burn more fat.
Knowing your body type will therefore give you an indication that how your body will react to weight training and how fast you can build up your muscle mass.