Have you just bought your first massage chair and wondering how often should you use a massage chair, then today you are in the right place. Massage chairs are designed to provide comfort, relaxation as well as boost your overall health. Massage chairs are particularly useful for people suffering from chronic muscles pain, neck pain, stress, and anxiety.
However, just like medicine which can only be beneficial if you take the right dosage as recommended by your doctor, the same thing also applies when using the best massage chair. Overusing your massage chair may cause inflammation, muscle damage, and bruised tissues.
Therefore, it is crucial to use your massage chair in moderation. But how often should you use a massage chair? In this article, we will tell you the number of times you need to use your massage chair to benefit from it.
How Often Should You Use Your Massage Chair?
Experts suggest that the maximum time you should spend on a massage chair at any given time is 15 minutes, 1-4 times a week depending on your unique situation. For instance, if you have an injury or suffering from chronic muscle pain, then you should use your massage chair 3-4 times a week to help relieve pain and promote faster recovery.
On the other hand, if you want to use it for relaxation to relieve stress and tension then you should use it 1-3 times a week. It is important to note that massage chairs are designed to be used for shorter periods per session. So, if you have been sitting on your massage chair for hours continuously, every day, then you are certainly doing more harm than good to your body.
Using your massage chair 3-4 days a week, for 15 minutes per session is enough to provide comfort, relaxation, and other benefits to your muscles. Use an in-built timer to keep track of the timer to avoid using your massage chair for more time than what is intended.
How Do You Know That You are Overusing Your Massage Chair?
Most people don’t know that they are overusing their massage chairs until something serious starts happening to their bodies.
Massage chairs are super comfortable and relaxing. You can easily find yourself spending more than the recommended time on your massage chair, and while a few instances will not result in anything serious, if you do it for a prolonged period, then you may cause serious complications. Some of the signs that indicate you are overusing your massage chair include:
- Having tender muscles
- Inflammation
- Redness
- Bruised muscles
If you are new to using a massage chair, it is important to start slow then increase your massage session gradually. However, that does not mean that you should sit on the massage chair for one hour. Massage chairs are incredibly powerful and are designed to work quickly. So sitting on your massage chair for too long is not a smart move.
What are the Benefits of Using a Massage Chair?
- It helps to improve your cognitive function as well as reduce stress thus improving your mental capacity
- It helps to boost your testosterone production which in turn helps to increase your stamina and libido
- It helps to reduce stress and tension in the neck and back which is often linked to causing migraines.
- It helps to reduce blood pressure and heart rate by activating our parasympathetic nervous system which helps to calm your body down.
- It helps to reduce lower back pain
- It helps to increase your range of motion, thus increasing your mobility
- It aids your body release toxins
Are Massage Chairs safe?
YES, a massage chair is safe but it depends on how you use it. If used correctly and responsibly as recommended, a massage chair is not only safe but it is also good for your health.
When using a massage chair, you should keep the session short and soft. You should not push your body too far or use it too often. Using a massage chair is more like a workout. If you have never run for one mile, then it will not be wise to run for five miles. You need to give your muscles time to repair and heal. If you push them too hard, then they will switch into protective mode causing pain, inflammation, muscle tear, and bruising. Your first time on your massage chair is like working out for the first time.
You need to start slow and build your stamina gradually as your body gets used to the pressure that it is subjected to.
Final Verdict
If you are planning to buy a massage chair or you have already bought one and wondering how often you should use it, we hope that the information given above has been helpful. Massage chairs have many health benefits but they must be used in moderation (3-4 times per week). If used more often than what experts recommended, it may harm your health.
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