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The Power of Green Tea: A Comprehensive Guide for Men

Benefits of Green Tea For MenTea is the most consumed beverage in the world apart from water. Besides being healthy, it is loaded with medicinal purposes such as preventing diabetes, lowering the chances of heart diseases and so on. There are three main varieties of tea namely; black, green, and oolong. Even though they are all made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, the processing of tea leaves is what makes them different. Green tea comes from unfermented leaves. It has no calories, no sugars, contains antioxidants and it’s refreshing giving every man a reason to start their day with a hot cup of green tea. Researchers are working day and night on finding the benefits of green tea for men, and their hard work is being rewarded. Here are green tea benefits for men everyone should know.

Reduces The Risk of Prostate Cancer

The risk of developing prostate cancer increases with age and many men are afraid of it. However, you don’t have to worry anymore as consuming a hot cup of green tea regularly prevents prostate cancer and if you’ve already been diagnosed with this type of cancer, green tea helps to fight it. According to research, men who consume green tea on a regular basis have 50% lower chances of getting prostate cancer. Green tea is loaded with polyphenols which play an important role in preventing cancer.

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Also, green tea contains the antioxidant which helps to prevent other forms of cancer.

Burn Fat

Green tea has been clinically proven to boost metabolism due to a chemical known as caffeine and will help you burn fat. If you are already overweight, don’t strain your body by going to the gym on a daily basis as green tea will work effectively in helping you lose weight.

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Green tea also contains catechins which will help you lose weight and maintain your body weight.

Reduces Gum Diseases

The courage of every man comes from the mouth and green tea benefits for men go beyond our expectations. If you are there feeling inferior because of gum diseases, green tea is your solution. It contains polyphenols that work efficiently in preventing the growth of periodontal pathogens which in turn prevent gum diseases. According to research conducted among 940 Japanese men. The result indicated that men who consumed green tea regularly had fewer occurrences of gum diseases.

Green Tea Improves Your Mental Sharpness

Naturally, men are the breadwinners of their families. They wake up early in the morning and head to their workplace and get back home late in the evening trying to make ends meet. That being the case, every man deserves to remain sharp and alert every day. If you don’t know how, then consuming a hot cup of green tea will sort you out as it contains caffeine that keeps you mentally alert and sharp. Also, green tea is loaded with L-theanine which improves brain function and keeps you sharp all day long.

It Lowers The Risk of Type-2 Diabetes

Type-2 diabetes has become very popular in the United States and the number of men with this disease is increasing with each dawn. Usually, type-2 diabetes involves having an increased blood sugar level based on insulin resistance or the inability to produce insulin. However, benefits of green Tea for men already proven, its consumption can improve the sensitivity of insulin and lower the levels of blood sugar.

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One study on Japanese men indicated that regular intake of green tea reduces the chances of developing Type-2 diabetes by 42%. And if you want to stay healthy, you should know benefits of green Tea for men. And consume green tea as many times as you can.

Promotes The Growth of Healthy Hair

As men age, chances of hair loss increase significantly. That being the case, they spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars to maintain healthy hair and probably end up in disappointments. However, the good news is that you don’t have to spend much as green tea will sort you out. It contains various nutrients such as Vitamin B and thiamine which play an important role in strengthening hair roots (follicle) thereby ensuring that your hair isn’t lost easily.

Green tea also contains catechin EGCG which helps your hair to grow faster.

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And the caffeine prevents you from developing baldness as it blocks the hormone responsible for causing baldness famously known as Dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

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Antioxidants present in green tea play an important part also in inhibiting baldness and Vitamin C and polyphenols help your hair to be shiny and soft.

Reduces The Risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases are very common in ageing men but the good news is that you can mark yourself safe by consuming green tea on a regular basis. Generally, green tea is loaded with bioactive compounds with protective effects on neurons and end up reducing the risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s which are common neurodegenerative issues. While Parkinson’s kills dopamine that forms neurons in the brain, Alzheimer’s could trigger dementia and instead of suffering from such illnesses, consume green tea as many times as you can and stay healthy all your life.

Benefits of Green Tea For Men Final Thoughts

It is evident that the most important things in life are the things that we see every day but we ignore their importance. With the above Benefits of green Tea for men, you have a reason to consume it regularly; it contains medicinal purposes and health benefits that go beyond our expectations. In addition to reducing risks of cancer in men.  Green tea reduces the chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity meaning that it helps you live longer. Therefore, spend less by consuming green tea and save yourself from spending too much on medical bills. We have another article benefit of drinking coffee everyday may you like.

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