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8 Self-Care Resolutions Worth Following In Pandemic Times

self-care resolutions worth following in pandemic timesThe New Year is here, but the struggle with the pandemic continues. Despite the hopes of things getting back to usual after vaccine rollouts, the virus seems to be here to stay. The recent surge of the Omicron variant has brought forward a harsh reality. But the human race is more resilient than any virus, and it will make a comeback. People are open to the idea of going the extra mile to stay safe from the virus. The effort is worthwhile because it can save you from getting infected and prevent the stress of falling sick. If you want to do your bit, now is the best time to start. A few self-care resolutions this New Year can keep you a step ahead of the virus and all other health issues. Here are the ones worth following in pandemic times.

Stay Ahead With Pandemic Precautions

The virus is likely to be around for the foreseeable future, so you cannot go slack with your defenses. You need not struggle much to create a defense strategy. Just follow the same rules you have been following in the last couple of years, and you are good to go. Stay ahead with pandemic precautions, no matter how unappealing the idea of wearing masks and social distancing sounds. Commit to avoiding unnecessary outings and sticking with hand hygiene rules. Hosting get-togethers at home is a good option if you wish to ditch virtual parties. Even when you invite friends or loved ones at home, observe all the safety guidelines.

Create a Work-Life Balance

Creating a work-life balance is among the most relevant self-care resolutions in pandemic times. Most people have been struggling with it, but you can adapt your personal and professional life to attain the goal. It may be hard to achieve if working from home for the long haul, but setting clear boundaries can help. Discuss your challenges with your employer, and find a middle path. Likewise, seek support from your family as they can play a significant role. Focus on productivity so that you can do more with less and meet deadlines without spending the entire day at your work desk. Staying on top of work-life balance is equally important if you work from the office.

Prioritize Preventive Care

Another promise to make this year is to prioritize preventive care, even if you feel fit and healthy. Start by ensuring your vaccinations are on track so that you have your defenses against all kinds of viruses. Also, get your COVID boosters at the earliest because they go a long way in offering protection. Get an annual examination to assess your health and start treatment if needed. Men should get the recommended male health checks, while women should also get annual screenings. Timely diagnosis and intervention can save you from trouble down the line. Preventive care in pandemic times is also about bolstering your immunity as it can keep you safe from the virus.

Get a Digital Detox

Get a digital detox if you want to start the year on a healthy note. Unlimited exposure to social media and news can have a dire impact on mental well-being in the long run. Perhaps, it is the most widespread problem these days because people have been depending too much on virtual connections during pandemic times. A digital detox can provide the much-needed respite from negativity and overthinking. Get back to the basics by cutting connections from your devices for a weekend every month. Commit to the practice as a routine, and stick with it. You will feel much lighter and happier.

Spend Time With Your Partner

The pandemic times have been stressful for relationships, and now is the phase to prioritize healing. Couples who were apart were in trouble, while those together had an even worse time. Focus on spending quality time with your partner this year. You may visit them if you are in a long-distance relationship. Those living together should have meaningful conversations to bring back physical and emotional intimacy. A little work on your relationship can make you a healthier and happier person, so do not miss out on this measure.

Prioritize Good Sleep

Adequate sleep keeps you healthy and relaxed. It also plays a significant role in strengthening your immune function. But it is easy to lose sleep when you are stressed and isolated. Moreover, WFH schedules are often disruptive and can deprive you of good sleep. This year, make quality sleep a part of your self-care plan. It may take some effort to reset your sleep-wake cycle, but you must do your bit. Start by maintaining a good ambiance in your bedroom. A hot shower and a cup of herbal tea at bedtime will do the rest.

Engage in a Favorite Activity

Life in the new normal is stressful, but engaging in a favorite activity can reduce anxiety significantly. Pick something that gives inner peace and makes you happy. You can plant a kitchen garden, take a meditation class, or read a book at bedtime. Writing a gratitude journal is a great way to recenter well-being in pandemic times. You can also take up a home decluttering project once a month.

Meditate Daily

An excellent self-care plan includes the element of meditation, and you must surely have it in your strategy this year. Fit a session into your daily schedule, no matter how busy you are. Consider waking an hour early to find time for your morning session. Alternatively, you can plan one in the evening before going to bed. Meditation is therapeutic as it heals your mind, purges negativity, and resets your mental well-being. You shouldn’t miss out on this step because mental health deserves attention in pandemic times.

Self-care in pandemic times goes beyond eating a balanced diet and exercising daily. Of course, you must stick with these basics because they are the cornerstones of a viable self-care plan. But think outside the box to win the race against the virus. You can stay at your healthiest best this year and beyond.

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