Alcohol addiction affects millions of people worldwide. The issue is so prevalent, that it’s estimated that more than 3 million people die annually from alcohol-related causes. Many people have issues with alcohol abuse, and it can be challenging to get the right level of care.
Some people self-medicate for mental health conditions instead of seeking treatment, and this only compounds the issue.
But there are many different approaches to treating people with alcohol use disorder and alcoholism. Some of these are less common than others. Here are treatment options for people with alcohol addiction.
Medical Detoxification
Medical detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body. The goal of medical detoxification is to reduce the risk of serious health problems that may be caused by alcohol withdrawal syndrome, including seizures and death in severe cases.
It’s important not to attempt to detox on your own if you are addicted to alcohol.
Instead, seek out treatment from medical professionals who are experienced in medical detox. Most rehab for government workers and private sector employees start with detox if needed.
Mental Health Treatment
As you probably know, alcohol addiction is a serious issue. And it’s not just the physical symptoms of withdrawal that can cause problems. Many people are using alcohol to cover up trauma and other serious mental health struggles. It’s important to remember that everyone who suffers from addiction deserves help and support, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status. One approach to treating alcohol addiction is to get to the root issue through mental health treatment. If anxiety, stress, or depression are present, alcohol can actually make them worse. Getting mental health treatment can alleviate the things that caused a person to turn to alcohol in the first place.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that is used to treat a variety of mental health conditions. CBT is based on the idea that our thoughts and emotions influence our behaviors, and that by changing behaviors, you can rewire your thoughts and emotions. Cognitive behavioral therapy is used to treat many mental health conditions and there are indications that it may also be effective in treating alcohol addiction. Part of this process may involve learning how to change negative thought patterns so they are more positive or defined by reality. It might include learning ways to manage stressful situations without alcohol, and more.
Motivational Therapeutic Techniques
Motivational therapy (MT) is a type of therapy that helps people to change their behavior by thinking about alcohol negatively so that new motivations to quit can be formed from within. It is used as an alternative to lecturing or counseling but is sometimes ineffective because the motivation to quit comes from outside of the person. If the motivation is internal, it’s more likely to be long-lasting. It helps you create a plan on your own for why you want to steer clear of drinking, how it’ll benefit you, and for how you will stay alcohol free long-term.
Group Intensives and Therapy
Unfortunately, there is a lot of shame attached to addiction. Many people feel like moral failures when they battle addiction. Group therapy is a good way to engage in the discussion of addiction. It can also be helpful for people who struggle with talking about their addiction and the different things that led up to it.
Group intensives and group therapy are both great ways to overcome these hurdles and to speak more openly about their addiction.
Acupuncture and Acupressure for Addiction
Acupuncture and acupressure are two alternative therapies that can help you to recover from your alcohol addiction. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that uses thin needles inserted into the skin at specific points on the body to increase energy flow and reduce pain. Acupressure is a similar technique, except instead of using needles it utilizes pressure applied with the fingers or thumbs. Both methods can be used to treat withdrawal symptoms, stress, and anxiety disorders like PTSD or depression, insomnia, and headaches. It’s a great alternative therapy with a lot of benefits.
Smart Technology and Apps
Smart technology and apps can be used to help people stay on track when they are in addiction recovery. There are programs that send reminders, and motivational stories, and can easily track how many days a person has been sober. They are great for staying motivated when things get tough. You can even leverage apps for meditation and other stress-relieving options.